The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 57: Update LI.I - Assassin's attack

Update LI.I - Assassin's attack

Music: Duel - Kill Or Be Killed

Music: None

Music: Game Over

I wonder if they use a pointer for this bit of text, or if we have a Trails situation where each loss cutscene has its own separate version of it.

I collapse under the weight of my own body. As I slump, I see the backs of the two assassins.

An entertaining fight— But, it was a bit too soon for them to fight us.

Let's go.

When their backs vanish from my sight, all that's left to see is darkness. The world starts to warp. It'll...all be over soon. A numbness starts in my toes and tingles its way up until I can no longer feel, smell, or hear... I must not even have a shape anymore—